Consciously choose how you will lead and live in 2024

Your Soulful Strategy Session

The right-sized support to get the right things done.

Dedicated time to focus on what matters most.

The biggest ROI for your success in 2024 will be investing in a plan for you right now

Reset & Plan

1/2 Day Session

Discover & Design

Full Day Session

Expand & Experience

Two Day Session

(Full descriptions and pricing below.)

It’s a New Year.

You want to do meaningful, inspiring work; tend to your family and creative interests, but there never seems to be enough time after putting everyone else's needs and agendas first.

You are already overwhelmed by the demand to deliver results with less time, energy and resources.

You care about your community and the world and want to do your part to make a positive impact, but struggle to find the time or the way to make a difference. 

Doing things the same old way isn’t working. 

But a new way hasn’t emerged yet.

How do you find a new way that works for you? 

How do you get back on your track, refocus and set yourself up for success moving forward? 

How do you even ask for help when you don’t know what you want, need or think you deserve?

Meaningful work, in the healthiest, most authentic and fulfilling way.

It’s possible. You can spend the next season, year, phase doing meaningful work in a healthy, intentional way that feels satisfying and good.  

It’s not just possible. It’s necessary - for you, your health, your team, your family and your community - to go into this next year feeling grounded and self-assured.

Uncover what’s most important to you first.

Then… you can create a clear, intentional and actionable path that leads to meaningful success and a values-led career and life. 

Reclaim your confidence, creativity and balance. Protect yourself from overwhelm and frustration, from confusing, competing priorities and other people’s shoulds.

Your unique process unlocked and pulled out of me ideas, values, instincts and themes that had been swirling around in my mind and heart, but I hadn’t been able to articulate. Getting it all out of me and onto paper as an inspiring vision AND an organized, actionable plan was invaluable in executing the next phase in my career.
— Carla Dearing, Founder + CEO, Velo Ventures

Soulful Strategy Sessions

Undistracted, you-focused, facilitated, one-on-one time to better understand yourself, your true goals and how best to reach them.

Maybe you’ve tried a few workshops, read the books, listened to podcasts, followed the experts and nothing worked or felt right. That’s because looking outside yourself will never work.

Try this instead:

Let yourself be guided through a logical and life-giving process to uncover more of who you are, what you’ve really been wanting and the most aligned and doable way to get there. In this process you will experience being truly seen, heard and championed, which is such a gift in our fast-paced, reactionary world.

This experience exceeded my expectations… I had some powerful breakthroughs that will shape whatever happens next in my career. The setting… will both take you away and keep you grounded so you can have fun and even confront some of your biggest challenges more easily than you may imagine.
— Sarah Froelich, Global Enablement Manager, Salesforce

Soulful Strategy Session Options

Reset & Plan (1/2 Day)

1:1 in-person*, customized retreat. We will set your foundation of confidence and self-awareness, sort priorities and identify your high-level Soul Goals for 2024.


Book a call to reserve your ½ day

Discover & Design (Full Day)

1:1 in-person*, customized retreat. We will deep-dive into self-discovery, set an unshakable foundation, design your high level plan and clarify actionable steps to achieve your Soul Goals for 2024 and beyond.


Book a call to reserve your day

Expand & Experience (Two-Day)

1:1 in-person*, customized retreat. We will exhale, deeply relax, and revel in your self-discovery journey. We’ll discuss and discern your big, bold dreams, and design plans, action steps, due dates and accountability to achieve your Soul Goals for 2024 and beyond. May include a deep Enneagram (or other assessment) integration and creative experiences (yoga, nature, art).


Book a call to reserve your extended session

Investment may qualify for professional development reimbursement.

Ask your team, department, or organization HR if there is an L&D, PD or Coaching budget available.

Included with ALL sessions:

  • 30-minute preparation and customization call

  • Pre-work questionnaire and assessments

  • Private, in person*, 1:1 session

  • Framework to logically and creatively guide you through the process

  • Workbook to capture your brilliant thoughts, ideas and plan

  • Follow-up Coaching Call 2-4 weeks after the session

*In-person, in Louisville, but then again…

Since every session is customized, they don’t have to happen in Louisville. You are welcome to travel to Louisville, Kentucky or depending on our schedules, we may choose to meet where you live or in an interesting place somewhere in between. Travel and venue costs will apply.

(Ask about virtual experiences by booking a call.)

Jacque’s 1:1 Coaching and Leadership Retreats have been more successful in helping me achieve positive outcomes, both personally and professionally, than therapy or other coaching programs. She provides a fun and safe space for me to explore and commit to my biggest dreams and schemes. I always leave feeling calm, confident, focused and excited about moving forward.
— Sherry Hurley, Founder + CEO, Farm to Fork Catering

The Experience

Together, we will dig deep, curiously explore, and intentionally plan this next phase of work and life.

You can exhale. Relax. Drop the armor, the burdens and any self-judgement around where you are (or aren’t) and what you have or haven’t achieved. You can breathe deeply. Rest. Laugh. You might shed a tear or two. Let yourself receive, be guided, supported, championed. Let yourself be held, seen, and truly heard.

The Process

You’ll be guided through a creative, logical, soulful process to get to the heart of what you want and what will work for you to achieve it.

Your thoughts, dreams, ideas and goals will be lovingly reflected back to you in a meaningful, concise way. Your seemingly random ideas, feelings and desires will be synthesized into a clear and meaningful path and plan.

The Result

Clarity about yourself, your dreams and your best approach. Greater self-awareness (strengths, values, purpose, vision, dreams, goals), and awareness around limiting beliefs, assumptions, how you might be getting in your own way. So many aha’s and revelations.

Plus, a clear, inspiring, actionable, aligned, path forward that feels good to you.

What You’ll Learn: 

  • Who you are now and who you are becoming 

  • What works for you and why

  • Your values, strengths, styles, preferences, purpose, dreams 

  • Why you’re awesome

  • How to introduce more positive self-talk

  • How to start asking yourself more meaningful questions

  • How to protect your time, energy and focus

  • How to choose and discern to be more intentional 

  • How to slow down to get where you want to go

  • Mindfulness and centering practices to use whenever you need it

Let go of your frantic list of resolutions and shoulds. Walk into 2024 with a clear, aligned and inspiring path forward that makes you exhale and smile.

 Meet your Coach, Jacque Saltsman

I'm Jacque Saltsman, Founder & CEO of Wildly Rising and a seasoned Executive Leadership Coach with 20+ years of experience across various business functions.

My mission is to equip leaders and organizations with the essential skills for achieving outstanding business results while fostering healthy cultures that promote belonging, purpose, and retention.

My biggest takeaway was coming to grips with the fact that there is no ONE way to lead. I think I came in… feeling like I needed to conform to a certain leadership style but now I feel more confident in the idea that I am already a great leader and at this point it is about refining how I desire to show up for my team, investors and customers.
— Marissa Wilson, Founder + CEO, Capsoul
From coaching with Jacque, I have restored my internal confidence in myself and gained better insight into my purpose. I am advocating for myself and focusing more of my time and energy on what is most important.
— Christine Krull, Director of Diversity & Inclusion, Roche Diagnostics

My challenge to you isn’t to try and make 2024 “the greatest year of your life.” 

My challenge to you is to commit to working and living in the most aligned, inspiring and meaningful way possible. Then see what happens.

Are you up to the challenge? I’d love to help.

Soulful Strategy Sessions are designed for you if:

You’re a leader, business owner, entrepreneur, creative, founder or professional and you’re feeling:

  • Overwhelmed, overcommitted

  • Tired of white-knuckling it on your own

  • Tired of second-guessing yourself, your choices, your leadership

  • Uneasy from juggling competing priorities coming from to many directions

  • Lonely (even though you’re surrounded by people)

  • Hungry for authentic connection with yourself and others, 

  • Somehow overwhelmed and bored at the same time because you’re not excited about what’s right in front of you. 

  • There’s not enough fun, joy or spark in your work, or in your life

Give yourself a chance to face the new year with breathing room, optimism, time & space to know & grow; more energy and capacity to do what’s truly and clearly important to you


  • We both want this to be a good fit! When you click the ‘Book a Call’ button, you can schedule a call to learn everything you need to know to make the best decision. The call is free, with no obligation. We’ll decide how to proceed, and book and invoice your dedicated Soulful Strategy Sessions at that point.

  • I would love that! Let’s figure out where to meet. You are welcome to travel to Louisville, Kentucky or we may choose to meet where you live or in an interesting place somewhere in between. Travel and venue costs will apply. The Half-day and One-day experiences can be facilitated virtually.

  • That’s ok. We will start wherever you are. The Soulful Strategy process works at every stage of knowing. The point of our time together is to pull out of you what’s in your heart and mind and turn it into an actionable plan, no matter what the focus is.

  • In addition to our time together, you’ll want to spend 30 min to 1 hour on pre-work so I can build the best session possible. Then you’ll start finding time, because once you have clarity on your priorities and action steps, you’ll stop spinning your wheels, reacting to distractions, and second-guessing your choices. Spending time now creating a foundation and plan will save you an immense amount of time in the long run.

  • I get it. This type of work does require mental and emotional energy. However, I also know that if you do nothing, nothing will change. Having a plan that excites you will help alleviate so much of the stress and spinning that may be causing your feelings of overwhelm or burn out in the first place. This is a great issue to address, and talk about how you can create more space and time for yourself. I’ve never had a client leave a coaching session without feeling like they had more breathing room than when they came in.

  • Do you consider creating a strategic plan for your team or your business a luxury? No! It’s essential for success and for allocating resources wisely. This is a strategic plan for you, the person, your leadership, your career and your life. Doing this type of work is personal, but the benefits aren’t just for you. This work will positively impact everyone in your sphere. If you are operating at your best, you are serving at your best. You’re leading at your best. You’re giving other folks permission to strive for their best, too. So yes, you deserve the time, space and attention to become the best and most effective leader you can be. You deserve to build your capacity for adding joy, positivity and enthusiasm into your team, organization and the world.

  • This is an investment, quite substantial for some. It won’t be the right investment for everyone. At this point, I would ask: What’s the cost in time, money, energy or your health to NOT be focused and aligned? What’s the cost to NOT feel energized and inspired by your work? What is it costing your team, your organization, your relationships or your family if you remain unsure of your goals and limited in your potential?

    As far as executive coaching goes, it’s great market-value for the time. A one-day strategy session can be as fruitful as 3 months of coaching at a fraction of the cost.

    Many businesses and departments budget for professional development. Check to see if yours does and if reimbursement is a possibility.

  • So many goals and New Year's resolutions come from a place of “should” or some “expert” telling us exactly what we need for success. However, because we are all different people coming to the table with a lifetime of different experiences, we all want and need different things.

    Taking the time for the self-discovery work is what makes this process different and much more effective. Through self-inquiry into your strengths, values, purpose, preferences, learning style and heart-felt desires, we’ll uncover meaningful goals that inspire and energize you, not feel like one more thing on your to-do list. We’ll also come up with real, achievable, exciting action steps to turn the goals into reality.

  • Well, yes, I offer Soulful Strategy Sessions on a limited basis throughout the year. The current pricing is only available now through Q1 of 2024. The other thing I know is that if you do nothing now, nothing will change. What will the end of 2024 look like and feel like if you do nothing different or get no support? It reminds me of the old saying: the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is right now.

  • Yes, this type of experience can be customized for groups. Reach out and let’s talk about what would best serve your team.

  • No refunds will be provided, but if you can’t make your scheduled session for whatever reason, we can reschedule. Sessions must be completed by March 30, 2024. Any money lost on travel or venue rental, though, will be the responsibility of the participant.