Leadership is different now. We need you to rise with confidence and courage and lead like never before.

Wildly Rising is a transformational partnership that calls forth leaders and organizations to engage their fullest potential, create stronger and healthier work cultures and generate more and better business.

I’m Jacque, your partner in people development.

Through customized programs and solutions, I support organizations to empower, elevate and retain their unique and brilliant leaders.


Progress demands that we acknowledge and support the diverse, competent, compassionate people who are stepping up to lead in a new way. 

Let’s focus on increasing equity and reducing the obstacles to authentic and engaged leadership in your organization, throughout your teams, and for all individuals who hold great promise.

Great leaders often emerge from unconventional backgrounds. Organizations always excel when they seek, elevate and invest in a diverse group of leaders.


If you suspect you could be a bolder, better, more inspiring leader... you’re ready.

You are the new face of leadership.

You are the leader we need now.


“Jacque’s ability to pinpoint, challenge and transform your thoughts into new forms of growth is unmatched. If you are willing to dig deep, Jacque will meet you each step of the way to continue your growth journey.”

— Katie LeBlanc, Director of Communications at Samara Collective


In nature, “wild” refers to the environment in which flora and fauna thrive. Plants and animals don’t look for permission to grow. They don’t compare themselves to others. They don’t stop evolving from fear they aren’t good enough. Who might you be if you dropped all the “shoulds” and led from your most wild and natural state? 

Wildly Rising supports individuals and groups to create clear and exciting paths forward, helping them identify and remove both inner and systemic barriers to their own evolution, so they can rise to meet today’s leadership needs. 

Let’s rise up, together.